- REDUCE, re-use, recycle
- REDUCE my BMI (lose weigh, for the skinny folk who don't know what a BMI is)
- REDUCE my carbon footprint (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=carbon+footprint+calculator)
- REDUCE my monthly expenses
- REDUCE my stress levels
As you can see, there are so many ways to REDUCE in my life.
A friend of mine has a blog about reducing her energy consumption by 50% right now (http://50now.blogspot.com/). I pilfered the carbon footprint calculator from her blog (sorry, Jen!)
Anyway, I love the idea of her commitment to make the world a better place for the future generation (in her case, a darling daughter). I am always looking for ways to save money or energy so I re-committed myself to my own REDUCTION goals.
In a move of pure insanity, I have been riding my little scooter to work each and every day this summer.
Let me clarify little: a 49cc Honda Metropolitan moped that (with my fat ass on it) may hit forty mph on a downhill slope with a tailwind.
Let me also clarify drive to work: I live in Salt Lake City. As in, the City. I work in another city called Draper City. Other slickers (folks from slc) are likely gasping at this moment.
As shown on the Google Maps link above, Draper is 24.6 miles from Salt Lake City. Let me further clarify, If I were to put in my actual home address (which I will not, due to the inordinate amount of stalking that I already endure. Ah, the price of fame) and my corresponding work location, Goggle maps would inform me that my commute is 26.2 miles each way.
Now, a fifty-two mile round trip is not that big of a deal for anyone in a car (or in my crazy brother-in-law's case: on a bike- don' even get me started), it's a pretty big deal for a fat girl on a tiny pink-flowered (forgot to mention that, huh?) scooter that she likely exceeds the weight limit on by at least 300 pounds.
(this isn't actually my scooter but it looks identical. I just don't want any of you to think I have such hideous taste in decoration. Who parks a moped in their living room, I ask you?)
**A short aside: I have actually picked up a papasan chair at a garage sale on this scooter and carried it home. I looked like I was being slowly consumed by a giant, navy-blue slug as I tried to escape. The poor old lady in the white Explorer thought she was hallucinating.**
That, coupled with the fact that someone has doubtless placed a bounty on my head since that's the only reason to explain why every driver on my daily commute is trying to kill me! I can literally see them aiming their steering wheel cross-hairs for me...
49cc's are just not enough power to move my generous mass as fast as I would like it to.
However, in my commitment to a healthier life and planet, I will continue to putter my way to work each day, as long as the weather lasts.
Hell, since my round trip fuel costs are around $1.25 each day, you may well see the abominable snow woman this winter in an effort to REDUCE my winter commuting costs, as well. Do they make chains for mopeds?

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