Left to Right: Cashew, Kung Pao and Moo Shu
We are a nomadic couple in our forties living in our RV with our dog and two cats. We work from home for our cash, campground host for our site and utilities and we recently 'traded up' to a smaller RV (Camper Van style) to allow us more mobility and flexibility. We completed a cross-country trip in the summer of 2015 of over 10,000 miles in about six months. We hope to complete a similar trip in 2016.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Speaking of Chickens...
Left to Right: Cashew, Kung Pao and Moo Shu
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bureaucratic Stupidity at It's Finest
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Accidental Shoplifter

Katrina and I had tickets to the Indigo Girls concert up at Red Butte Gardens the other night and we decided to ride our mopeds and pick up Greek food on the way to the concert, to eat on our blanket while awaiting the start of the concert.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am a member of the
3. Community Service- The co-op asks you to donate two hours every month to community service (sort of a pay it forward) and you sign your paper saying that you have done so. Every six months, two of those hours must be with the co-op itself: my favorite chore is the bagging party the Thursday before pick up. You sit at a table and bag rice or beans with a few other people. Everyone talks and laughs and I’ve met some great new friends that way; one of whom got me free insulation installed in my attic (Hi Jerri!).
Katrina likes working in the warehouse because it’s nice and cold and she gets to boss everyone around. Plus, she comes home with extras like eleven, 3-pound cantaloupes and a flat of tomatoes. How on earth can two people eat thirty-three pounds of cantaloupe before it rots? Thirty three pounds of melon does interesting things to the gastrointestinal order of ones body…
If you do work through your church or other organization, or care for an elderly of otherwise-abled family member, that counts as well.
Bottom line: A fool and his money are soon parted… Only a fool wouldn’t want to save tremendous amounts of money on something they cannot live without; especially in this economic downturn.