We are a nomadic couple in our forties living in our RV with our dog and two cats. We work from home for our cash, campground host for our site and utilities and we recently 'traded up' to a smaller RV (Camper Van style) to allow us more mobility and flexibility. We completed a cross-country trip in the summer of 2015 of over 10,000 miles in about six months. We hope to complete a similar trip in 2016.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Praying Mantis, Zip Lines, Poached Chickens and Greeks…
I realized that I am a gardening freak about two weeks ago. I knew that I enjoyed gardening
before then, but I did not yet realize to what extent I would go to better my garden…
I was out at the Fedex building way on the west side of town picking up my new cell phone and as I was walking to my van, I spotted a Praying mantis on the asphalt. She was bright green and she looked really healthy. I started freaking out and I ran to the van and emptied a plastic Rubbermaid tub and took it back and caught the Mantis. I was giddy with excitement because the garden centers sell live Mantises (Mantees? Manti?) for about eight bucks. You release them in your yard and hope to hell that your tomato aphids are much tastier than the ones in your neighbor’s yard. I love my neighbors but not enough to spend eight
I carried my beauty home and set her free at dusk (prime aphid feeding time).
She stuck around me for awhile and then winged to my raspberry bush and worked her way to my Amish Paste Tomato plant.
Item Two: Zip Lines
Our next door neighbors invited us to go to the last aerials ski show of the summer two weekends ago. This is where the skiers fly off a ramp and flip in all kinds of crazy
directions before landing in a pool of water. It was awesome to watch and we all had a blast.
Then the neighbors had rain checks for the giant zip line because they had previously gotten rained out. Since they had three tickets, we only had to buy one ticket.
I was scared at first but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do so I mustered some backbone and pushed onward. It was terrifyingly awesome. I would do it again in a heartbeat. There is a larger one at the Whistler ski resort in
I highly recommend trying this if you ever get the chance.
Item Three: Poached Chickens
Last week was not a great week for us, animal-wise… Let me first say that no animals died in the writing of this blog, but we had an eventful, somewhat dramatic week, nonetheless.
We are watching a dog for some close friends until December and she’s a super-sweet dog. She’s ten years old and she’s a cross between some kind of hound dog (huge, droopy ears, sad eyes, long legs) and possibly a lab or some such. She weighs eighty pounds (although she only weighed sixty-five when she arrived. Katrina: Food = Love) and she is sweet and snuggly and is afraid of the toothless, clawless handicapped cat. She is also afraid of the chickens, which enjoy chasing her and the rest of the dogs around the yard.
Wednesday night, she sliced the artery of her left rear leg open on God knows what. We tried unsuccessfully to staunch the flow for about an hour and then finally had to take her to the night clinic. $420 later she is healing well and will need her bandages changed later this week, but at least she is okay and she’s on the mend.
The very next night Katrina opened up the hot tub to let it cool enough for us to get in a bit later. She didn’t consider that our chickens often jump up on the hot tub lid to perch and snooze before we carry them off to coop each night. Chickens are not the brightest animals to begin with and ours are no exception. Katrina went out to check the hot tub and finds two slightly damp chickens perched on the edge of the hot tub, snoozing. ‘
Bear in mind that we have three hens in our flock. She shines the flashlight in the water and (remember her completely irrational shark phobia?) sees a dark mass floating on the water. She screams and drops the flashlight before she realizes that it’s Cashew, our Americauna, wings spread and one clawed toe wedged in the filter to stay afloat. We have no idea how long she was in there but we were scared that she may have been poisoned by the chlorine. Our hot tub is 95% organic but we must shock the water once a month with a non-organic chlorinator, which is toxic. She was gurgling a little bit and shivering so we dried her off and put her on a towel under a upturned laundry basket with the old clutch light (heat lamp) next to her, fully expecting to find a dead chicken the next morning. Katrina was really upset and guilt-ridden about the incident, but early the next morning, we had a warm, dry chicken more than ready to join her flock mates for a delicious breakfast scratch. She seems no worse for the wear and we learned a valuable lesson about hot tubs and chickens.
Last Item: Greeks
Friday night celebrated the kick-off of the Greek Festival here in
God bless the
Well, that should bring you up to date on the most interesting aspects of our mundane lives for now.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Girlfriend Makes Me Fat!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Hungry For Change
- I lost fifteen pounds
- My skin cleared up
- My hair and skin feel super soft (I can't stop touching myself, people are getting a little nervous around me)
- I feel terrific. I mean really terrific.
- I went jogging. Jogging! ME! Did I mention that I went jogging? I twas only four blocks, but still!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Speaking of Chickens...
Left to Right: Cashew, Kung Pao and Moo Shu
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bureaucratic Stupidity at It's Finest
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Accidental Shoplifter

Katrina and I had tickets to the Indigo Girls concert up at Red Butte Gardens the other night and we decided to ride our mopeds and pick up Greek food on the way to the concert, to eat on our blanket while awaiting the start of the concert.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I am a member of the
3. Community Service- The co-op asks you to donate two hours every month to community service (sort of a pay it forward) and you sign your paper saying that you have done so. Every six months, two of those hours must be with the co-op itself: my favorite chore is the bagging party the Thursday before pick up. You sit at a table and bag rice or beans with a few other people. Everyone talks and laughs and I’ve met some great new friends that way; one of whom got me free insulation installed in my attic (Hi Jerri!).
Katrina likes working in the warehouse because it’s nice and cold and she gets to boss everyone around. Plus, she comes home with extras like eleven, 3-pound cantaloupes and a flat of tomatoes. How on earth can two people eat thirty-three pounds of cantaloupe before it rots? Thirty three pounds of melon does interesting things to the gastrointestinal order of ones body…
If you do work through your church or other organization, or care for an elderly of otherwise-abled family member, that counts as well.
Bottom line: A fool and his money are soon parted… Only a fool wouldn’t want to save tremendous amounts of money on something they cannot live without; especially in this economic downturn.